Unlocking your true authentic, masculine self to attract elegant women

How I went from Nice guy to successful 6-figure business owner that attracts classy women

My friend, if you ever feel despair…

If you ever feel like giving up…

Just know that it’s never too late to change.

Let me tell you my story…

I wasn’t always the stoic ‘Hercules’ you see today…

In fact, I used to be one of the biggest ‘’nice guys’’ ever…

And I had to go through a lot of hardship to get to where I am today. 

Everything started when I was only 7 days old and my life got turned upside down…

You see, the burden and responsibility of raising a child was overwhelming for my parents…

So they handed me over to my grandma who happily took me under her wing and raised me like I was her own son.

Agnes was her name, and although I’m eternally grateful that she raised me, not everything was sunshine and rainbows…

Being a young boy without a father figure is hard, you have no male influence to guide you in the right direction and teach you how to be a man…

And as if that wasn’t enough, Agnes had a lot of trauma of her own…

She got cheated on, physically abused, and even raped by her ex-husband before she left him…

As you can imagine, this caused a lot of pain, shame, and trauma – that got passed on to me.

Agnes loved me with all her heart and didn’t want me to get hurt, so she was incredibly overprotective.

She raised me by 5 commandments: 

  • Never take any risk

  • Never stand out

  • Never offend anyone

  • Never be loud

  • Make sure everyone likes you

Basically the opposite of being a boy… I became shy, socially awkward, and insecure. 

When I was 15 my life got turned upside down again…

I felt like my whole world crumbled…

The emotional pain I felt was so strong that even my body reacted to it… I developed an autoimmune disease where my skin got covered in rashes.

So what happened?

I found out the real reason my grandmother raised me…It was because my parents almost gave me up for adoption – but Agnes stepped in.

As it turns out I did NOT handle it, quite the opposite…

 I wasn’t ready for it, my past insecurities being around high-achieving men came back again. All my wounds ripped right open.

I was fired 3 months later, and rightfully so. The only problem was, I just signed a lease on a fancy penthouse in London, and I failed the security check…

So there I was, backed up into a corner, basically homeless within a few days, with nowhere to turn… When I finally hit a stroke of good luck.

Me and my ex-girlfriend found a private landlord who stuck his neck out for us and got us an apartment. The place was a dump but at least we had a roof over our heads.

After I bounced back I got a job at a tech startup and it was an amazing experience. I went from Junior sales rep to Managing Director in 2 years. 

FINALLY, things were looking up, but as they say, everything that goes up must eventually come down. 

While my career was taking off, my love life was still in shambles… Don’t get me wrong, attraction was not a problem at all, but treating women with respect and authenticity was…

All my relationships were still the same old rollercoaster of emotions where I constantly shifted between being the ‘’nice guy’’ and the ‘’jerk’’. 

I couldn’t find a way to create a DEEP emotional connection with women, something I secretly longed for…

But I buried that longing with drugs and alcohol, which sadly were a part of the finance/tech space in London. 

I spiraled out of control until finally one day I had enough. I looked in the mirror one morning after a night out, and I hated the man I saw staring back at me. 

I realized that I had been trying to mask my pain and emotional trauma with drugs, alcohol, and even self-help (surprise, surprise)

When I found out, I snapped… This realization made me act out and I went from a shy ‘’nice guy’’ to a macho, sociopathic jerk overnight. 

I suddenly possessed ALL the traits girls are drawn to…

I was mysterious, arrogant, and gave them an emotional rollercoaster…

But it was all a facade, deep down I was still the same insecure little boy. I kept up with this act for as long as I could because I didn’t want to change. It was too painful. 

My wake-up call came with Sarah, the first love of my life… 

But maybe not in the way you’d imagine… I was with Sarah for about 5 years before she finally had enough of all the cheating and left.

When she broke up with me I realized it was time to change. It made me take a look at the parts of myself that I didn’t want to acknowledge.

I lacked self-worth, always felt like I wasn’t good enough, and was intimidated by big groups, especially MEN. 

In an attempt to prove everyone wrong, I pursued a career in finance, got into 100k of debt, and went to a top 1% business school in London. 


Because I thought that if I had a finance degree and a fancy job that would somehow heal the wounds inside me, that it would make me feel like I was finally enough.

But it didn’t heal me, it made me worse… The environment was too toxic and I hated every second of it, so I quit.

My skin condition came back, and this time it got so bad that it covered almost my entire body. At this point, my health hit rock bottom.

You’d think I learned my lessons by now, right?

Nope, I dove headfirst into a cutthroat financial job that I got offered. The pay was great so I didn’t want to pass it up. I’ll handle it, I thought to myself…

Self-help can be great if used correctly. But I concluded that affirmations and stuff like that are mostly BS, because they only focus on the conscious mind. 

To truly heal you have to focus on your subconscious as well, that’s where 95% of the work has to be done. 

Up until this point in my life, I never took responsibility for my actions, I didn’t have the balls to break up with my girlfriends so I pushed them to their breaking point…

But not this time, I grabbed the bull by the horns and broke up with my girlfriend. Went complete monk mode for 15 months. 

72-hour water fasting, zero sugar, no drugs/alcohol. I dedicated ALL of my free time to healing. 

And I came out as an entirely new man. 


Today I live in Montenegro, I run a 6-figure coaching business, and I have met the most loyal and feminine woman in my life. 

Most importantly I’m an integrated man. I am fulfilled. I live life on my terms, I am DEEPLY connected to my authentic masculine self and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  

My story is the result of what happens when you don't integrate your dark masculinity. 

You either become a passive-aggressive ‘’nice guy’’ that everyone walks all over…

Or a manipulative ‘’jerk’’ that tries to ‘’get back’’ at women as a way to mask your insecurities…

It’s 20 years of pain that could’ve been avoided if I just had the right knowledge and someone showed me the way to heal. 

And I want you to heal as well.

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